Джордж Карлин говорил, что может быть человек пришел на эту планету только затем чтобы создать пластик... Если так, то человек со своей задачей справился успешно. Синтезировав полимеры в 1900 году ...
Change is coming, we are at the beginning of spring, and everything around is evolving. Nature is blossoming, birds are singing excited for warmer days, and we are stepping into ...
New Year's Eve is tomorrow, and the biggest party of the year is about to start, what an exciting time. The question is, what is everyone wearing? I mean, it ...
Since moving to Europe, many things have changed for me. For instance, I don't have the luxury of shopping at many of my favorite shops — large retailers such as ...
Fall is near the end, bring winter that much closer. The one thing I wanted to focus on this upcoming season is the clothing I wear. I don't want to ...
2019/2020 Fall/Winter season is bound to bring diversity. On the one hand, many designers seemed to be influenced by the '70s and early '80s. Fashion shows by Balenciaga, Celine, and ...